So, the big news this week is that I bought a Pre-Paid Legal membership for myself. Now that I'm out on my own, in my own place, and there's no way anymore to consider me a dependant, I thought I'd better get on the stick and start doing "adult" things.
I'd heard about Pre-Paid Legal before. We had a membership way back when that really helped us with "The Boys" (Ancient EatStayPlay.com history that DOESN'T need to be revisited!)
BUT, the difference this time is I actually GET how cool this is. I get access to "quality law firms for $26 a month or less."
Their website says:
Have you ever...
- Been overcharged for a repair?
- Received a speeding ticket?
- Been audited?
- Purchased a home?
- Tried to return a defective product?
- Lost a security deposit?
- Signed a contract?
- Prepared a will?
Even though most people find themselves in these situations, the majority do not seek the advice or help of a qualified lawyer. Why?
- It may cost too much.
- They may not know where to begin.
- The process is intimidating.
You only get as much justice as you can afford. If you don't know your rights, you simply don't have any! The top 10% of income earners can afford to have a lawyer on retainer and are accustomed to asking their lawyer for advice before making decisions. What about you?
With Pre-Paid Legal:
- You know who to call.
- You're treated like the firm's most important client. (And you REALLY are!)
- A one year membership costs $312 or less. (About the same as my renter's insurance!)
- You are empowered by knowing your legal rights.
Without Pre-Paid Legal:
- You may try to handle it yourself.
- You'll likely receive as much justice as you can afford.
- You may pay hundreds of dollars for ONE HOUR of a lawyer's time.
- If you don't know your rights, you don't have any!
Pre-Paid Legal "levels the playing field" in the justice system. With a Pre-Paid legal plan you can say, "I'm going to talk to my lawyer about this." -- and mean it! (Which I DO do on a regular basis)
And, I liked the company so much, I joined as an associate! They've got a GREAT identity theft program as well. I think it's an amazing product and it's a ton of fun to sell 'cause I really get to help people.