Woot! Dad drove by my new "house" on the way home from work yesterday and low and behold, I've got footers dug! I'm beside myself with joy. Do you have any idea how exciting it is to see real PROGRESS?
After all the endless meetings with the real estate agents, the mortgage brokers (I like the mortgage company I went with), the cabinet guy, the flooring lady, negotiations about price... You name it! I think the hardest part was when the mortgage fell out and I had to start over again.
But, I got it! We're underway! I wonder if their timeline is still accurate (close escrow on Oct. 21, 2008) or if we'll be ahead of schedule.
In other news:
I had nightmares last night about the briefing today. It's my first ever briefing that I'm running and presenting at. In SPANISH no less.
Pre-Paid has great Spanish plans and a great DVD so I'm not too worried. I've got about 6 invites out and Lucy and I put flyers up all over town:
¿No le gustaría tener representación legal,
disponible las 24 horas?
¡Está invitado a una presentación gratis!
Venga i infórmece como pude hablar con un abogado,
en Español, sobre las cosas más importantes de
su vida:
- Alquilar una casa
- Tener un negocio
- Inmigración
- Comprar o vender una casa, trailer, o auto
- Tener trabajo en Arizona
- Y más
Esta presentación dura una hora. Invite a un amigo, un compañero del trabajo, o cualquier otra
persona que quisiera esta información.
Fecha: Martes, 22 de julio 2008 Horario: 7:00-8:30 pm
Lugar: 246 N. Hwy 89, Ste B, Chino Valley, AZ 86323
Telefono: 636-1725 pregunte por María o Lucy
No Niños Por Favor
So, we'll see. I'm hoping for a good turn out.