Guess what!
Blastoff is FINALLY live. That means I can send out invitations to join this network. I've been a member as part of the pre-launch since early September. It's FANTASTIC.
It's been fun. (Cool games)
It's easy.
And, it makes me money!
So, I had to get some new domain names from GoDaddy.com. They are one of the 400+ online retailers that are a part of Blastoff. So, I went THROUGH the
Blastoff Mall to GoDaddy.com and purchased my new domains.
I got a
CASH BACK on that purchase! Plus, when somebody made a purchase who's in my network (I don't even know who) I got a cash back on THAT too!
It's really cool. But, I don't want anybody to have to WAIT. I mean, if you wait, you'll miss it. You can only be part of ONE Blastoff network so if you don't get in you can't invite your friends.
Do it! Join Now!(Look at all the links I put in!)