Anyway, lo & behold, with no knowledge on MY part, I found myself suddenly being voted INTO the Rotary. This was something I had avoided since I wasn't sure I wanted to be part of another service organization -- the only 80/20 rule.
To my surprise, I've been really enjoying Rotary. The people are great, the events are fun, gets me out of the home office for a lunch-per-week.
The hands-down BEST part?
Happy Bucks
What ARE happy bucks, you ask? Each week, we pass an envelope around the table of 20 or so Rotarians. And we each get to put in a few dollars and tell about something we're happy for.
Wow! What a novel idea. Sharing happiness, joy, and gratitude. In public. And PAYING to do so. Even in this economy where money is so tight and we've all given up the daily Starbucks or Sonic drinks, this group of special people open their wallets to share. A dollar, $5, maybe $20 if its your birthday...
This morning, after the alarm went off after a not-much-sleeping night, I lay in bed for a moment thinking of all the things I need to get accomplished today. A huge, daunting list. Not to mention the fact that I REALLY need to make some sales both for and Pre-Paid Legal. And then it hit me:
Today is Rotary day. I get to put in happy bucks. By golly, I'd better find SOMETHING to be happy about and quickly. Just that simple thought made a small smile creep over my face. Dude! Be happy or you don't get to play.
So, for right now, I don't know exactly WHICH of my many blessing, quite triumphs and big joys I'm going to celebrate today. But I know that when Happy Buck time comes at the meeting, I've got $3 set aside just to be happy.