And, a cache box. A waterproof container. It fell to me to cover it with camo duct tape.

Let me tell you, this is harder than it looks! Of course, I want it to look nice -- not just slapped on or anything. Plus, I figure the tape will last longer if I take the time NOW.

Ahh! The finished product. My fingers weren't even TOO sticky from the tape.

The first order of business when placing a geocache: HAVE LUNCH! Actually, we were all starving so we wanted to eat first. And this wasn't even close to the first step. Before I even left the house I did some VERY complicated research to make sure that there were no caches within .10 of a mile to where we would be putting OUR cache.
Of course, I didn't exactly know WHERE that was since I'd never been there before.

Welcome to the "High Gear" geocache. Can you see where we got the idea? Alvin had known about this place for a while. AND, he's friends with the owners of High Gear Bike Shop. So, we got them to donate swag for the box.

The box!
It has:
$15 gift card to a local bike shop for First to Find
a bike bell
Prescott bike trail map
2 tire tube kits (from High Gear Bike Shop)
2 tire patch kits (from High Gear Bike Shop)
camo lanyard (for bike keys)
water bottle carabiner (this is what EatStayPlay ALWAYS puts in!)
bike multi-use tool
bike license plate 'Spoiled'

The stump at our feet? Yeah, the secret hidden location!
After we placed our cache, we hiked to the bottom of the hill (*hint*) and then went looking for some caches.

Found! Mom found this one so she had the honors of first peek.

Then, after two no-finds, it was getting dark. So, we found one more small cache and then took Alvin home. I went to my folk's house for KFC and a movie.

Happy hunting! Now, I have to post our cache on and then WAIT for somebody to find it.
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