Thursday, September 07, 2006

56th Annual FFA Corn Dinner

It was so nice not to have to WORK at this corn dinner. For three years in high school THIS was my Labor Day Saturday work. Get up early and go to Olsen's Grain in Chino Valley to shuck Young's Farm corn. (The farm is closed now) then go man a booth for a few hours and then go work the dinner from about 1pm to nearly midnight with all the cooking, serving and cleaning up.

And let me tell you, when they say "All the corn you can eat!" they MEAN ALL the corn you can eat. The record that I remember was 26 ears PLUS the BBQ pork, coleslaw and roll.


I only ate 6 ears and most of the pork. This was after having gone to a friends house for buffalo burgers (second lunch) and eating breakfast and first lunch. Wow!

Oh, and No, I'm not in these photos- I was behind the camera.

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