This Sunday, Dad decided that the three of us should go geocaching. Alvin was out hunting for the ever elusive buck (with his bow) so I readily took Dad up on the offer. After all, no papers to grade!
We started off along Williamson valley road. Even though this cache is CLEARLY under a huge bush, it's actually in a neighborhood. There were houses all around. And, you can't really tell from THESE photos, but it was really cold.
I JUST got my sunglasses about a month ago. I put them to the test lately with kayaking and now geocaching. I really like them.
This is at our second cache. I can't remember the name of it (or the first one!) But, there was STUNNING rose quartz all over that I just couldn't help ubut pick up and fondle. I now want a basket of it in my spare bedroom to catch the light.
Mom really liked (Snaggle Tooth! The cache's name had something to do with Snaggle Tooth!) the way that the ground was swallowing and spitting up the rocks all at the same time. The earth just glittered in the sun. I was so pretty I just wanted to stay and watch the way the light played over the soil.
This enxt cache was actually on the back-side of a hill. Pretty steep, covered with HUGE granite boulders. AND, waist high manzanita bushes! As you can see, I was wearing my GOOD coat, the one Dad bought me for Christmas last year. Not exacly great to be slogging through the brush with but at least it was warm.
This cache was really hard to find. It was well hidden, the batteries on the GPS were dying, and we'd just walked up this killer hill. I'd like to go back someday and sit down on the hillside and sketch.
Ah! The view! All of these were taken with a "salesman" camera. Meaning, not a great camera so I'm really pleased with how they all turned out.
Dad was really please to find this javalina cave. No piggies in it now (thank GOD!) but he put it in
his GPS so Alvin and him can come back next year.
This cache was called Rock'n'Body. I couldnt' figure out why until I saw this HUGE rock man laying on the ground. The log said that placer of the cache had found the rock man in the early 80s and decided to put a cache there.
The outline helps you see the body. I couldn't get an elevation for a better photo.
And, the three of us! Celebrating the cache. After Rock Man, we drove down a little side road. I spotted a Bald Eagle on the wing. Mom found mountain lion tracks. Lily refused to pee.
This is our last cache of the day. At the top of ANOTHER hill. Covered in scrub oak. And STEEP! As you can see from the pics, it was getting cold and windy and rainy.
Success! DON'T tell Dad, but I actually forgot to put our prize in the cache. NOT cool since we're using it to promote EatStayPlay. I found it in my coat pocket at the bottom of the hill. I was not about to trek back to the top to put it in the ammo can. Next time!
And, I just really like this photo of mom.
So, 5 caches in one day. Excellent. Then, back to my folk's house for dinner and hot chocolate.
And, 5 is a prime number.
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