Friday, May 29, 2009

Back from Las Vegas

We go to Las Vegas several times each year; it's just about 3 hours away so we drive. We were in Las Vegas at the Office Tools Pro user conference. We use Office Tools Pro as a contact management at MDI.

(If you decide that you'd like to try Office Tools, be sure to tell them that Kim from MDI sent you; we get credit!)

Every time, going over Hoover Dam, I look for the big horn sheep but I've never seen them.

Until now!

I made Dad pull over so I could whip out my camera. There were about 15 all total. I don't think I got any fair winning photos, but I did get photographic PROOF that


They were really hard to spot the second they stopped moving.

And, this is the new scary bridge that will re-route the traffic off of Hoover Dam. I don't think I'll EVER go over it -- to scary.

Dad & I had lunch in Boulder, NV. That is a really neat place! And we shopped at Goat Feathers -- Dad got Mom a bell and I bought Alvin a silver fork to make wind chimes out of.

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