Out first stop was Jake's Claw TB Hotel where we put in our first geocoin. It's actually harder than I thought, releasing a coin. You know you'll never actually SEE it again; never hold it again. Wow! Big steps!

From there it was on to Ghost Town Puntenney ...

Where I made Alvin crawl into a tree! There were no ghosts, no town, but there was a graveyard. Very cool. The only headstone that we could read was in Spanish -- a 9 month old baby boy.

Are we there Yeti? had some interesting stuff in the cache. I especially like the "big foot."

My group shot posed some unique problems. Alvin's head is cut off since the tree branch MOVED after I fastened the camera to it. We were hot and hungry by this time and I didn't want to get everyone to hold still for another photo.

The next cache had great coords. And we got to test our rock climbing skills at the side of a pull-off. This was where we realized we'd been following another Prescott-area cacher all day.

After that, it was to White Horse Lake for LUNCH. In our planning in the morning, we realized that there were NO caches actually AT the lake. So even though it was last minute, Alvin and I quickly spray-painted a cache container to put out.

Since it was a small container, Mom & I named it "White Pony" You see my geocoin on top. This was the coin I'd carried around in my purse for a week. I gave it the mission of visiting places with strong memories. Complex, I know. But that's why I put it at White Horse Lake -- I caught my first fish there!

The rock we hid it under.

And my FAVORITE group shot of the day. Even Lily got in on the caching action!

By the time we got to Overland Trail- North Perkinsville Rd. series Dad had pretty much had it with all the photos. In fact, this is the ONLY photo I got of the cache. After this, we went to visit Alvin's parents, Al Sr. and Sandy, since they were camping nearby. They'd been waiting for us so we all drove into Williams for dinner.
For not being hungry, our gang ate a LOT.
After dinner, there was time for one last cache and to put out Alvin's geocoin.

At every cache we went to, we also put in geotokens for a free geocoin!
You guys looked like you had SO MUCH FUN!!!
Neat turf that you were travelling -- but as long as one is up near White Horse Lake, I'd say the Pomeroy Tanks are the best of all...
We had a GREAT time! And White Pony gets found a LOT.
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