See what I'm pointing to? It's a little sign that says JOBOX and this geocache was called "Little Job". Duh! Fun, but boy did I feel stupid!

Our next one was all about fly fishing. Or at least, it was supposed to be about fly fishing. We took a rock from this one. I found the cache under some bark in a rotted out stump. Of course, this was in between calls from Laurie, the mortgage lady, seeing a deer at the riverside (the photos of her didn't come out), and bushwacking through some tall grasses.

This was the final cache. It was quite a hike from the truck. And I had to hike TO the truck and bring it closer to where we were starting from. Then, it was about 3/4 of a mile along a trail. The cache was easy to find but hard to GET to. It was under an overhang, behind a rock, and guarded by some SHARP spiney bushes.
The first family photo I took I'm making a terrible face after having twisted my ankle getting back to the path.
Oh, and a really great part of the day (yesterday) was that Alvin was waiting for us when we got back to camp. I LOVE camping.
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