Sunday, October 12, 2008

More Geocaching

Even with the screwy horizon line, this is my favorite picture of us on our geocaching adventures. You can just barely see Jerome on the mountain behind us on the far left.

Look at the size of that tree! That's Alvin climbing it and he looks TINY.

In a dead, fallen branch of the big tree, we found the cache. It had two travel bugs in it. Yeah! That's the first time we've ever found travel bugs in a cache. I can't WAIT to pass them on. (What is a travel bug?)

And REAL bugs on a plant.

A micro cache near the oldest lagoon.

What is Alvin writing on his hand? The coordinates to the REST of the cache.

Ah, the last find of the day! There was no good place for me to put my hat and take a group photo (that's how I take photos of all of us) so I'm just not in the picture.

After geocaching, we went to the lagoon to fish for bluegill. I'll post photos of them tomorrow.

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