Saturday, December 06, 2008

GREAT New Book

Dad bought me a FANTASTIC new book yesterday. For anybody who knows me, I'm always feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and with a to-do list that's 9 miles long. This is NOT good, obviously. I've read and re-read time management books and nothing really seemed to help. Then yesterday, Dad bought me:

I started reading it this morning. Here's what I'm already loving:

"And you'll discover, the principles and methods are instantly usable and applicable to everything you have to do in your personals as well as your professional life.*

*I consider "work" in its most universal sense, as meaning anything that you want or need to be different than it currently is. Many people make a distinction between "work" and "personal life," but I don't; to me weeding the garden or updating my will is just as much "work" as writing this book or coaching a client. All the methods and techniques in this book are applicable across that life/work spectrum -- to be effective, they need to be."

(page 4)

Holy cow! You've got me sold. I'll read the whole thing and be in for the long haul.

And, just as an aside: I think the author kinda looks like my Dad.

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