Everyone always asks me if we spend our "vacation" in meetings since it is put on by the home office at
Pre-Paid Legal. Um, NO! There was a welcome breakfast where all the big names spoke, but it was optional.
I guess I kinda understand the question. Except, if
Pre-Paid is giving me a PAID VACATION why would I want to earn another if I had to spend the whole time in meetings and trainings?
There were NO meetings. Just social; training if you wanted it and could find somebody who wanted to talk shop.

Dave Savula.

Brian Carruthers.

My Executive Director: Mike Humes.

Remember how I said the resort was still under construction? Here's a guy working. I guess they have some sort of special, 100% humidity resistant paint...

We FINALLY made it to the beach. It was warm and just breezy. Dad WAS there but he didn't end up in any of my beach photos -- he was off getting lunch when I finally took a break from the water.
You can't tell, but there is a TON of sand in my hair! The water was really warm, but the surf was rough. The first (and only!) time I tried to body surf I ended up being scraped along the sand. I got a nasty sand-burn on my elbow. Icko!

Alvin was a total trooper and stayed with me in the water. Not many people can keep up! I was screaming with laughter (Arizona girl does beach) and Alvin didn't get embarrassed.
Do you notice our wrist bands? The light one shows that we're guests at the resort and can eat, the purple on my wrist is my drink band: for $50 I could have all the alcoholic beverages I wanted.
So I go to the bar to get a drink. What comes out of my mouth?
Shirley Temple!
The sand was pale tan and very soft, like talc powder. But in the ocean, it's coarser and flat and round. Like glitter almost. It sticks to EVERYTHING and doesn't come out. Even dipping in one of the 13 pools doesn't wash it off... The pool was nice but too hot. Hotter than the ocean which was comfortable but not too warm.
I borrowed a boogie board from a lady. The waves were bigger than the last time I did it and easier to catch. But they were so BIG. Like scary big since if it hit me they'd roll over and over and pound me into the sand. It was hold my breath and go LIMP.
I'm not afraid of anything in the water but that, well! I think I swallowed GALLONS of salt water and had tons wash into my nose and ears.
It's really neat how they worked the beach/pool towels. They gave me a card for each of us that you trade in for a beach towel. You can trade a towel for a towel or back into a card. At checkout, they tell us we have to return the card or we owe them $20. NICE to not have to shelp a room towel back and forth.
We finally left the beach for a nap (tired!) and then to get ready for dinner. It looked like a rain storm was coming in too.

Dinner (we'd made reservations that morning) were at a tempenyaki restaurant. A Dominican cooking Japanese...

They served as much sushi as you wanted while you were waiting for dinner.
Just as the chef was finishing up, the power went off. And STAYED off. There were no security lights, emergency lights, backup generators... Nobody came out with candles or flashlights. In stead, we ate in the dark and then followed staff with glowing cell phones back out.
I'm glad we had 6:00 dinner reservations or it might have been REALLY ugly. And, it gets hot fast when the air conditioning is off.
On the tram on the way to the room the lights came back on. We went to the rooms, but it was too early to catch the 9:45 magic show so we headed back to the main building for dessert. We went to "Maria's Restaurant". I had a "Copa Cubana" - coconut ice cream, caramel sauce, plantains, and a cookie. Amazing! (On the way, I returned my borrowed boogie board.)
By then, we were too tired for the magic show. So, it was back to the room for a hot tub and bed.