Friday, July 14, 2006

Fain Park Cleanup

We all went to Fain Park today to pick up trash and stuff. It was fun but HOT HOT HOT so we didn't do a barbeque or anything- just trash and then lots of cold water.

Kathy made cookies but forgot them so she's bringing them by the office later today and people can pick them up. OR I can eat them all myself this weekend! Yum!

Okay so from left to right, back to front is: Donte, Jacque, Kathy, ME, Les. Middle row is: Jon, Kris baby Berlyn, and Larry. Front row is Elwyn, Shelby, and Griffen.

And, before you ask, no, none of those kiddos belong to me. But, they're all so cool I wouldn't mind keeping any of them!

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