So, let's just say I got a SCREAMING deal on a brand new washer, dryer, fridge, garage door opener, and security door from Home Depot. Can you say 12 months interest-free financing??
Better than used (no germies!)
Also bought some stuff at the Square in Prescott.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Labor Day Parade, Jalapeno Poppers, and Corn Dinner
First off, before I tell you ANYTHING about Labor Day, let me say this: Jes-ka! you were here in spirit and I missed you A LOT. Like crying over breakfast a lot!

Ah, the Mazy crew getting ready to watch the Territorial Days Parade in beautiful Chino Valley!
Left to right you have Kris, Berlyn, Brent, Jennifer, and Elwyn. Kris and Jen are my "cousins" and the kiddos are my favorite kids! Alvin and I were across the street (in the shade!) to watch the parade. I took a TON of photos, but I'll spare them for the scrapbook!
Only in Chino! Our little hokey parade is so much fun!
The Rotary Club float. That's Lou throwing something, Mike hanging out the door, and my dad in the background, not looking at the camera.

After the parade, we were going to have Les and Kathy over for jalapeno poppers before the corn dinner. I grew two types of jalapenos in my garden this year and we tested them both.
I was on bacon duty.

For the recipe, see the newsletter archive on
Here we are at the corn dinner. The line was LONG, the afternoon chilly (with rain and wind) the wait was TERRIBLE, but it was SOOOOO good. Mom and Dad.
Les & Kathy
Me & Alvin
Here's a link to the 2006 Corn Dinner pictures.

Ah, the Mazy crew getting ready to watch the Territorial Days Parade in beautiful Chino Valley!
Left to right you have Kris, Berlyn, Brent, Jennifer, and Elwyn. Kris and Jen are my "cousins" and the kiddos are my favorite kids! Alvin and I were across the street (in the shade!) to watch the parade. I took a TON of photos, but I'll spare them for the scrapbook!

After the parade, we were going to have Les and Kathy over for jalapeno poppers before the corn dinner. I grew two types of jalapenos in my garden this year and we tested them both.

For the recipe, see the newsletter archive on

Here's a link to the 2006 Corn Dinner pictures.
Friday, August 29, 2008

These are the three little windows in my living room wall. I already have a stained glass dragon to hang in one of them!
I didn't post a photo, but the sliding glass door to the patio is TINY. I think I'm going to have to rethink putting in a panel for a doggie door for Lily. It'll make the opening WAY too narrow.
Thursday, August 28, 2008

The watermelon is easily 17 lbs or so and doesn't seem to be ripe yet. The bottom is still yellow and not white. And, it's getting BIGGER.

My hand's on the right. HUGE.

(PS I took these photos over the weekend and am just now posting it!)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Alvin at the House

Alvin and I went over to the new house last weekend and we took these photos of the ROOF! and Alvin sticking out of the house. Not out the window, no OUT OF THE HOUSE.
Thursday, August 21, 2008

I saw this wicked-cool Praying Mantis in the MDI office yesterday. It'd caught a fly and then proceeded to eat it. ALL of it, even the wings and feet.
Gross, Mantis!
Lucy wants to keep it as a pet.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Plumbing and Final Exams

I opted NOT to have a garden tub in my bathroom since I HATE standing in the bathtub to shower. This is just a shower, but there's two benches and a handle... I'll just start out with a shower curtain but I want a glass door later on.

AND, I also got my furnace and all the duct work installed. They look like HUGE shiny snakes winding around the trusses. It's so pretty all shiny and new. I know soon it'll be covered in grey death (blown-in insulation) and that insulation is a GOOD thing, but for now, I like it shiny.
I'm writing my two final exams today for my two classes I'm teaching. So far, I've completed the US history final. It's 50 questions, multiple choice. BUT we cover SO much information... I think it's going to be difficult for the students but hopefully not murderously hard. If I remember, I'm going to bring popcorn for them for after the test.
I'm still going to be working on the Econ final this evening. Wish me luck!
And, today at school, it was picture day. Have I mentioned how much I HATE school pictures? I didn't like it any more as a teacher than I did as a student. Bleck!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Alvin's church is having a luau on Saturday complete with kaluha pig and poi. Grandma Alice and I went to a luau in Hawai'i when we were there and the pig was excellent! That's where I took this photo.
But, back on the best-boyfriend-in-the-world vein, Alvin arranged so I can be one of the advertisers at the luau and advertise for my Pre-Paid Legal business.
This is the ad that I'll be running:

I'm hoping to get some nibbles off of it, but at the very least, it's a good cause and (hopefully) good food!

This is the ad that I'll be running:

I'm hoping to get some nibbles off of it, but at the very least, it's a good cause and (hopefully) good food!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Best Boyfriend

Oh my gosh! I have THE best boyfriend in the world. I'd had a kinda rough day today since I had to stay up late last night to talk with the programmer, up at 5:30 am, late to work...
Then, I got a new phone and I hadn't gotten all my numbers transfered, somebody pulled out in front of me on the highway and I slammed on my breaks and my stuff went flying...
Had 4 boys not turn in a TON of homework so I had to have them call their parents, Econ class being slugs...
Did I mention it was a rough day?
So about 5:15 when I was on a call for Pre-Paid, I get a knock on the page door and it was Alvin. I let him in and tried to finish my call -- speaking in Spanish to this prospect.
When I was done, he told me how amazing I am (his words) and then showed me what he'd brought me: a huge bunch of yellow carnations. They're about the size of quarters. I waited until later to cry.
Alvin is so amazing. He goes out of his way to make sure I'm a-okay. Like coming to the Tuesday night briefings to help me set up, even though he doesn't speak Spanish and has come to a MILLION briefings. He makes sure I get home early so I get a good night's sleep.
Compliments me on being positive and helps me stay that way. He doesn't let me engage in "bashing" and always helps me see the other side of things. But, at the same time, listens so I can vent and work through my thoughts.
He takes interest in what I'm interested in. Like Pre-Paid Legal and teaching and metal detecting and scrapbooking, and gardening.
He makes sure I know that he loves me.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tractor Work

I know it doesn't look like it, but TJ is like 10 feet in the air right now in the bucket of the tractor as Tony was working. It looked like fun.
Scary, but fun.

Friday, August 15, 2008

It's huge and airy feeling and the light is just amazing. You can really feel the difference between INSIDE and OUTSIDE. I spent some time walking in and out through the various doorways.

Ahhh! The first family photo inside the house. This is in my soon-to-be living room in front of the big picture window. Lily will LOVE this, no doubt. I also took pictures of the kitchen, back porch, you name it!
I can't believe I went from Slab to HOUSE in just three days.
Thursday, August 14, 2008

I think trusses are really pretty and you can't see it well in this shot. You CAN see the big pile of plywood that will become my roof. Tomorrow!

See how big? That's Dad walking there. He's been checking on the progress for me several times a day while I'm teaching. Then, after work, we go over and take photos.

I sold TWO Life Events Legal Plan memberships today. I'll take one and Dad'll take the other. Of course, one is to a high maintenance new member... EW. I always wonder if the commission is worth it... I made her pay for 6 months at a time. She's a business owner so could really use the service anyway. It's hard to get her to understand though. We'll see. She'll be Dad's member.
That means that Dad only needs 2 more Player's Club points and I only need 5 more!
Mama Said...
Mama said there'd be days like this!

This is Boomer, Les and Kathy's dog. Man! Have you ever had a day like that? Slumped on the couch to watch TV and read a magazine?

The second harvest:
Squash! (or Squish, if you prefer)
My winter squash plant doesn't hardly bloom let alone produce fruit. I think I'm okay with that.
This is Boomer, Les and Kathy's dog. Man! Have you ever had a day like that? Slumped on the couch to watch TV and read a magazine?
The second harvest:
Squash! (or Squish, if you prefer)
My winter squash plant doesn't hardly bloom let alone produce fruit. I think I'm okay with that.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Walls Going Up!
Okay, so I pulled up to MY NEW HOUSE today and what did my wondering eyes to see?
oh geez! That means that this is becoming a REAL house. I stayed like twenty minutes and watched it go up before my very eyes.

Workers, inside, busy and hurrying.
My FANTASTIC back porch -- part of it will be under roof and part will be a pergola.
The guys are LIFTING a wall into place. OMG! That was so cool. I know HOW it happens, but when it happens to MY house. I think I'm still in shock, it doesn't seem real. The whole thing is just un-real!

Did you SEE the wall go up? Wow!
oh geez! That means that this is becoming a REAL house. I stayed like twenty minutes and watched it go up before my very eyes.

Workers, inside, busy and hurrying.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sunday Kayaking
This is the "skull cow" because it looks like it's wearing a mask of it's own skull. Creepy, huh? It was the perfect middle to a perfect day!

Well, the GOAL was to go Kayaking at White Horse Lake near Williams on Sunday. We got up early to get the boats onto the truck in the new carriers and...
We worked
and worked
The carriers were just not designed for ROUND bars so two trips to the hardware store and 12:00 noon later, we were FINALLY on our way.
The goal of the trip was two fold:
Go kayaking and
Find Elk (For Dad's fall hunt)
We were at the lake, ON the lake, about fifteen minutes when the storm rolled in, the lightning and thunder started and the RAIN. Oh yeah, we spent over an hour in the truck. Waiting.
The lake was SOOO full that the tube where you put your old fishing line was nearly under water.
But, when I was out on the boat for my fifteen minutes (of fame?) I scooted over to a HUGE bobber floating. I wanted to get it out of the lake (litter!) and give to to Alvin. When I pulled it up, a FISH was attached to it! Dead, of course, but what a surprise. I kept the bobber and gave the fish away.
So, after NOT kayaking, we went for a drive and I was able to do some Feet In The Forest. We stopped by a trail head and took some pics:
Then, we found a stray dog in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE and took him to the police station in Williams. He'll be okay, no doubt.
Dinner at Denny's and then home to start the week. What a day!

Well, the GOAL was to go Kayaking at White Horse Lake near Williams on Sunday. We got up early to get the boats onto the truck in the new carriers and...
We worked
and worked
The carriers were just not designed for ROUND bars so two trips to the hardware store and 12:00 noon later, we were FINALLY on our way.
The goal of the trip was two fold:
Go kayaking and
Find Elk (For Dad's fall hunt)
We were at the lake, ON the lake, about fifteen minutes when the storm rolled in, the lightning and thunder started and the RAIN. Oh yeah, we spent over an hour in the truck. Waiting.
The lake was SOOO full that the tube where you put your old fishing line was nearly under water.

So, after NOT kayaking, we went for a drive and I was able to do some Feet In The Forest. We stopped by a trail head and took some pics:

Dinner at Denny's and then home to start the week. What a day!
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Kim & Alvin

We went to Pine Grove Campground near Flagstaff. Alvin had never been there but he was able to make us reservations for Friday night. On Saturday we drove down Lake Mary Road to get coffee and donuts while we were waiting for another site to clear out so we could move.
This is our only photo from the trip since BOTH of my camera batteries died. STUPID! It's now on my list to buy a car charger.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
House Update
Ahh! Progress! I've been taking careful pictures at every step of the way (except for the underground plumbing, I didn't have a camera) and it's very exciting to watch it progress.

This was my house on 23 June 2008. If you notice, it has SOMEBODY ELSE'S tractor and Dumpster on it. Those aren't even to build my house.
Here we go when it's time to break ground. This is MY Dumpster and my little sign with my lot number and street number.
Little bitty tractor to dig the footers. It doesn't look like it but these trenches are DEEP. They weren't quite done digging when I was there to take photos.
Saturday, after kayaking, Dad and I went to examine the poured concrete footers. Those little trenches? Now they're full!
And today! My BEAUTIFUL slab. Funny how the house shrank with just the footers dug and poured and grew again with just concrete.

Ahh, the patios. I say patios since I payed to have an additional slab poured. I was worried that it would shrink my back yard a LOT but it's hardly noticeable from that idea. I'm planning on putting a pergola over the extra patio for Sky Chairs and hanging geraniums and a little BBQ. I LOVE being outside.

This was my house on 23 June 2008. If you notice, it has SOMEBODY ELSE'S tractor and Dumpster on it. Those aren't even to build my house.

Ahh, the patios. I say patios since I payed to have an additional slab poured. I was worried that it would shrink my back yard a LOT but it's hardly noticeable from that idea. I'm planning on putting a pergola over the extra patio for Sky Chairs and hanging geraniums and a little BBQ. I LOVE being outside.
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