Wednesday, August 06, 2008

First Day of School

Today was my first day of the three-week pre-session at TCP. Oh boy!

The way the pre-session works is that each student takes the same SUBJECT for 5 periods a day for 11 days. At the end, they get 1 semester's credit. The teachers rotate in and out so one person doesn't end up teaching the entire course.

I'm teaching US History for the first two class periods. NOT really my forte. I think it went okay considering they told me I'd have 18 kids and I ended up with 23. Granted, I not only got 23, but I also am getting Ashley to TA my class. THAT was a nice surprise!

Then, for periods 3 & 4 I teach Econ. That's right up my alley with all my practical experience with Of course, their first two periods are very heavy lecture. Luckily for them, Cody, the regular Econ teacher is passionate about Econ so even trying to cram in 21 chapters shouldn't be too dry.

I'm not sure how it all went, at the end of the day. I was very tired going into teaching today since I'm just not getting enough sleep with everything that I'm trying to get done. I think tomorrow will be a lot better as we're all better prepared and know what to expect.

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