Ah! The 5th wheel. Do you see how Papa's truck has rolled back and is TOUCHING the trailer? Yeah, that's where the propane bottles live. The propane bottles we needed to turn on to turn on the oven in the 5th wheel to cook part of Thanksgiving dinner.

We all pushed (Helped once the truck was in NEUTRAL instead of REVERSE) but nope. Couldn't move it. Ended up microwaving the potatoes.

This is actually the day AFTER Thanksgiving, but I didn't take any photos of Turkey Day itself. This is me and Alvin (very over-exposed)

Front to back, left to right: Dad, Maurice, Papa Charlie, Nana (you can just see her purple sweatshirt and hand), Tia Vicki, Alvin.

In this photo you can see Nana. She's kinda hidden behind Vicki.

Mom, standing up.

And I just LOVE this photo with Tia peeking out at me.
Kyle and his girlfriend WERE there but they didn't eat with us. Kyle was complaining that he just COULDN'T eat any turkey leftovers and his girlfriend went out to eat.
The soup was super spicy!
After dinner, we played penny poker. I HATE poker but play because Nana likes us to all do something together and SHE likes poker.