We're studying the Underworld in my Latin class. The myth (and they HAD to accept it!) was to write a myth about the Underworld. As part of the assignment, they also had to PRESENT the myth. This is one of my students presenting her myth.

Another shot of the underworld. The girl in the black toga belongs to this myth. The other is helping (she provided the Dinos)
And the REASON the red-head is in a black toga? She was an "actor" in yet another myth and the math teacher stapled the toga onto her and she couldn't get it off!
Why no faces? (I know, it takes a lot away) Because these aren't my kids and I don't want to blast their photos all over the Internet but the MYTH was worth sharing.
In fact, we're thinking of a way that we can collect everyone's myths and publish them into a book at the end of the semester. It would be a full myth cycle of the 17-odd students in my class. If they don't want to be published, I'd let them off the hook, I'm thinking.
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